Looking for musicians for music album.
Age - 18-50 years
Location - Muzaffarpur
Budget - Based on profile
Skills - Must have good knowledge of instruments.
Must be upmarket and talented.
Interested candidates may apply to get a call from us.
Male, Female, 18-50 Yrs
Looking for musicians for music album.
Age - 18-50 years
Location - Muzaffarpur
Budget - Based on profile
Skills - Must have good knowledge of instruments.
Must be upmarket and talented.
Interested candidates may apply to get a call from us.
Role type:
Musician Freelance Project/assignment in Muzaffarpur
Shoot Location
Talentrack team is very professional and looks after every nuance of artist engagement.
Ridima Anchor/Voice-over ArtistSimilar projects
having trouble? mail us at contactus@talentrack.in, we will get back to you.