Acting | Modeling | Singing | Photography Jobs


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Language : Hindi, English, Marathi

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Available In : Mumbai

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Kishore Marathon
Role Singing, anchoring, managing
Start Date 14-10-2017 End Date 15-10-2017
12 hrs marathon held at Korum Mall, Thane
Sung 13 songs...
It was an event open for anyone to participate...
I even managed the anchoring part and backstage operations.
Navi Mumbai Idol
Role Contestant
Start Date 04-12-2016 End Date 17-02-2017
Reached till the semi finals after crossing various rounds such as
1) slow songs
2) fast songs
3) cabre songs
4) raag based songs
New Stars
Role Singing
Start Date 06-08-2017 End Date 06-08-2017
An Auditorium Event...Sung 3 songs...
1) Do lafzon ki hai Dil ki kahani
2) ye dil tum bin
3) Jaane jaan dhoondta phir raha
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